What Does the word Somatic Mean?

What does the word somatic mean

What does the Word Somatic Mean?

"Somatic" originates from the Greek word "sōma," which evolved to mean 'the body living in its wholeness.’

Wholeness is an integrated state of being where all aspects of the self—physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual—are harmoniously connected and functioning in alignment. We might also include our earth environment as a part of this whole.

Soma or ‘the body living in wholeness’ can be perceived as a moving moment to moment process, as organisms we are constantly moving, flowing, refreshing, interconnecting, adapting, self-directing, responding, adjusting to change and self-regulating. Your soma is intelligent and wise and when you face external challenges it consistently aims to move you to homeostasis, keeping you stable, safe and adaptable.

Observing ourselves as 'beings in a continual process' or constantly changing, also brings us back to our natural roots. We can lean into nature, embrace her cycles, take support from her and learn how she brings balance and harmony to life.

As a somatic movement dance therapist I facilitate ways for you to tune into your personal experience, listen to your embodied knowing and use your ‘soma wisdom’ to self-regulate, build capacity and restore balance to your body and your life.

Vanessa Tucker Registered Somatic and dance therapist
I am a Registered Somatic Movement Practitioner & Therapist at UKSMDT, I meet the high Standards of Practice and uphold the Code of Ethics. For more information visit UKSMDT.com
vanessa tucker ISMETA-Badge-RSMET24
As a Professional Member of the International Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association, I meet the high Standards of Practice and uphold the Code of Ethics. For more information visit www.ISMETA.org